under vatten

Weda är specialiserade på rengöring under vatten med automatiska och halvautomatiska robotar. Vi har en lång erfarenhet inom utveckling av produkter för undervattensanvändning. Vårt mål är att hitta lösningar för alla tillämpningar av rengöring under vatten.

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New efficient cleaner for smaller reservoirs
In these days the importance of saving water is steadily increasing. Traditional cleaning of all types of reservoirs has required draining with staff inside the reservoirs. This is no longer accepted on many of the world markets due to the safety risks for the staff. Plus the unnecessary waste of water

The alternative with divers is becoming less popular due to higher costs as well as the safety issue. Few consumers enjoy the thought of divers in their drinking water.

Weda underwater cleaners makes it possible to clean reservoirs of all kinds and totally avoid human entry. Besides this a lot of water is saved. In many cases processed water.

De 17 globala målen. Läs mer »